Summer Programs at Tacony Branch Library
Make a Splash @ your Library Summer Reading Kick-off program.
Wednesday, June 16 at 6:30 p.m.
Mr. Malcolm’s Interactive Theater
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
Sea Science and Aqua Art
(for grades 1 -4)
Thursday, June 24 @ 10:30 a.m.
Learn about the different sizes and shapes fish come in and why they look the way they do. Then make a craft related to your lesson.
Participants will have the opportunity to interact with live tidepool animals. Space is limited! Pre-registration Required! To register, call Tacony Library @ (215) 685-8755.
Sharks: Tooth or Consequences!
(for grades K-6)
Thursday, June 24 @ 2:00 p.m.
Are sharks actually as dangerous as people think? Who is really the ocean’s top predator? Learn about sharks large and small, find out why sharks are such skillful hunters, touch shark jaws, and take home a genuine shark tooth. With live shark if available. Space is limited! Pre-registration Required! To register, call Tacony Library @ (215) 685-8755.
Thursday, July 1 at 10:30 a.m.
Water Works
(for ages 3-5)
In this hands-on class, the Mad Scientist will introduce children to the importance of water to their bodies and the environment. Children will participate in experiments that demonstrate how weight and density determines whether objects sink or float. Each participant will make their own shimmering sparkle water tube to take home. Space limited! Pre-Registration Required!
Thursday, July 1 at 1:30 p.m.
Wacky Waves
(for ages 6-12)
This interactive class will increase students understanding of the properties of water. Our Mad Scientist will encourage children to become problem solvers as they clean up a simulated oil spill with as little damage to the environment as possible. Participants will learn about the effects of pollution on marine organisms and vegetation. Each student will also take home their own wave modulator. Space limited! Pre-Registration Required!
Friday July 2 at 2pm
Puppet Making with Bonnie Bacich
Have fun making your own puppet from a balloon and paper mache. Pre-registration required. For ages 10-16. Limited to 20 participants.
Thursday July 8 at 1:00 pmCPR For Teenagers
Presented by the American Red Cross, this 3 ½ hour workshop trains responders to overcome any reluctance to act in emergency situations and to recognize and care for life-threatening respiratory or cardiac emergencies in adults. Participants will earn Red Cross Certification in CPR. For ages 12 and up. Pre-registration required.
Thursday July 15 at 11:00 a.m.Yoga for Children
(A family program suitable for children ages 3 and up)
Yoga has been shown to be beneficial to children by helping them develop better body awareness and self-control along with helping to instill calm, confidence and balance.
Join Rita Pandya in this special morning yoga workshop sure to be a hit with young children. Participants will exercise their bodies as well as engage their imaginations as they pretend to be various animals of the jungle. Please bring a yoga mat or a large towel. Space limited! Pre-Registration Required.
Thursday July 22 at 2pmT-Shirt Decoration with Bonnie Bacich
Make a design to go on a t-shirt (or banner). Non messy and fun! Bring a white cotton T-shirt. For ages 8 and up. Pre-registration required.
June 16-August 11 children (pre-schoolers to teenagers) can join the 2010 Summer Reading Game and win cool prizes! Play at your local library or online at young photographers entering grades 6-9 to enter our “Tacony in the Frame” photo contest!
Be inspired by the book Framed by Frank Cottrell Boyce in which the characters look at their town with fresh eyes and see its hidden beauty. Take your camera into the streets of Tacony and look for the unusual, hidden, or beautiful sights all around you. This could be a view from an alternative angle, your favorite place to go in Tacony, the contrast of old and new together, or simply a small detail in the street that stands out to you. Win a digital camera and other cool prizes! Cameras will be provided for each participant.
Registration forms for the contest can be picked up at Tacony Library between June 7- July 9.
For more information or to reserve a place for any of these events contact Tacony Library, 6742 Torresdale Avenue, 215-685-8755.