Thursday, December 24, 2015
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Greeby Street Christmas Lights in Tacony
Make sure you visit the 4200 block of Greeby here in Tacony before the Holiday season is over

Friday, November 6, 2015
We are looking for volunteers to work on our committees - vacant committees are:
Clean and Green
Event Planning
If you can give us a little of your time to help out it would be appreciated
Clean and Green
Event Planning
If you can give us a little of your time to help out it would be appreciated
Next General Meeting
The next Tacony Civic Association general meeting will be held onNovember 11 2015, at Holy Innocent St Paul. Tyson & Torresdale Start Time 7pm. All are invited to attend.
Wednesday, October 28, 2015
Election Day basics:
Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Polls are open from 7am to 8pm. Any voter in line by 8pm must be allowed to vote.
1.) Create your own ballot using Crowdpac's free tool2.) Find your polling place
3.) Subscribe to get email updates from Seventy
Candidate information for the following races can be seen by following each of the following links:
City Council
City Commissioners
Pennsylvania Supreme Court
Pennsylvania Superior Court
Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court
Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas
Philadelphia Municipal Court
Philadelphia Sheriff
Philadelphia Register of Wills
Philadelphia also has three ballot questions on the Office of LGBT liaison, the creation of a new Department of Planning and Development, and a bond issue by the city. You can read about them here.
The following explain your rights and responsibilities as a Philadelphia voter. Please share them with members of your community to prevent misinformation at polling places on Election Day.
Voter Rights and Responsibilities:
As a voter in Philadelphia, you have the right to:
* Vote if you are a U.S. citizen, city resident, at least 18 years of age and properly registered with the County Board of Elections. Visit for more info.
* Cast a Provisional (paper) Ballot if, for any reason, you are unable to use the voting machines. Provisional Ballots are a fail-safe option to ensure no voter is disenfranchised due to a question regarding their eligibility. All ballots are counted following verification that the voter was properly registered.
* Vote privately and free from coercion, intimidation or harassment. Campaigning of any kind and the distribution of buttons, flyers or other partisan literature is strictly prohibited inside the polling place.
* Request help from a relative, friend, neighbor or another voter if you are disabled or need language assistance in order to vote.
* Ask election officials about voting procedures. Rules and resources are in place to ensure every eligible voter can cast a ballot privately and independently. If you have a question, ask!
* Report issues or problems encountered at the polling place to the Philadelphia County Board of Elections at 215-686-1590.
As a voter in Philadelphia, you have the responsibility to:
* Familiarize yourself with candidates and ballot questions. Visit to study candidates and build your personal sample ballot to share online or take with you to the polls.
* Report voter intimidation, or potentially illegal or fraudulent activity to a poll worker or the District Attorney's Office at 215-686-9641.
* Review election procedures and voting machine instructions before Election Day Seek guidance from poll workers if you have questions about the voting process.
* Keep your voter registration up-to-date with your current address and party affiliation. Online registration is available at The registration deadline is always 30 days before Election Day.
* Treat poll workers, canvassers and other voters with courtesy and respect. Thank your local Election Board for their service!
For Questions about the election or voting process:
Call 1-855-SEVENTY (1-855-738-3689)
Available weekdays, 9 am to 5 pm, and 7 am to 9 pm on Election Day
Election Day is Tuesday, November 3, 2015
Polls are open from 7am to 8pm. Any voter in line by 8pm must be allowed to vote.
1.) Create your own ballot using Crowdpac's free tool2.) Find your polling place
3.) Subscribe to get email updates from Seventy
City Council
City Commissioners
Pennsylvania Supreme Court
Pennsylvania Superior Court
Pennsylvania Commonwealth Court
Philadelphia Court of Common Pleas
Philadelphia Municipal Court
Philadelphia Sheriff
Philadelphia Register of Wills
* Vote if you are a U.S. citizen, city resident, at least 18 years of age and properly registered with the County Board of Elections. Visit for more info.
* Cast a Provisional (paper) Ballot if, for any reason, you are unable to use the voting machines. Provisional Ballots are a fail-safe option to ensure no voter is disenfranchised due to a question regarding their eligibility. All ballots are counted following verification that the voter was properly registered.
* Vote privately and free from coercion, intimidation or harassment. Campaigning of any kind and the distribution of buttons, flyers or other partisan literature is strictly prohibited inside the polling place.
* Request help from a relative, friend, neighbor or another voter if you are disabled or need language assistance in order to vote.
* Ask election officials about voting procedures. Rules and resources are in place to ensure every eligible voter can cast a ballot privately and independently. If you have a question, ask!
* Report issues or problems encountered at the polling place to the Philadelphia County Board of Elections at 215-686-1590.
* Familiarize yourself with candidates and ballot questions. Visit to study candidates and build your personal sample ballot to share online or take with you to the polls.
* Report voter intimidation, or potentially illegal or fraudulent activity to a poll worker or the District Attorney's Office at 215-686-9641.
* Review election procedures and voting machine instructions before Election Day Seek guidance from poll workers if you have questions about the voting process.
* Keep your voter registration up-to-date with your current address and party affiliation. Online registration is available at The registration deadline is always 30 days before Election Day.
* Treat poll workers, canvassers and other voters with courtesy and respect. Thank your local Election Board for their service!
Call 1-855-SEVENTY (1-855-738-3689)
Available weekdays, 9 am to 5 pm, and 7 am to 9 pm on Election Day
Monday, August 10, 2015
Tuesday, July 28, 2015
Thursday, July 23, 2015
Wednesday, July 22, 2015
Monday, June 29, 2015
Thursday, June 25, 2015
Thursday, June 4, 2015
DRCC River Walk
There will be a community meeting on 6/16 at Disston Rec 6:30 pm with the DRCC to discuss the development of the River Walk. Access to the river via Magee Street and Levick Street. The DRCC is looking for community input.
Wednesday, June 3, 2015
From Donny Smith- Mayfair Civic Assoc Regarding the Devon Theatre
To clear up any confusion and to hopefully answer as many questions as as I can, below is a "Devon Timeline" of sorts
The Mayfair CDC (previous administration) purchased the Devon and completely restored it to the beautiful building that it is today. It was restored and zoned to be used as a theater, and at that time it was operating as such. Its restoration was intended to revitalize Frankford avenue, and to bring the arts to Mayfair and surrounding neighborhoods.
Sadly, the CDC lost the Devon due to lack of funding, and the CDC returned the Devon back to the bank in lieu of foreclosure
The bank sold the Devon well below market value in February of 2014. It was valued at over $1.5 million dollars, however it was purchased for $487,500. by The Devon Frankford LLC / Mark Riscioli
The exact arrangements are complicated, however it appears as though Riscioli sold the Devon to Kingdom Life Christian Center in December 2014 for $500,000., however the mortgage is for $950,000.
Mark Riscioli is now the former owner of the Devon, however he is now acting as the banker and is holding the mortgage
The Kingdom Life Christian Center, after signing the agreement with Riscioli and finalizing the deal, apparently then discovered that the Devon was not zoned to be used as a church, and it required a Special Exception from the Philadelphia Zoning Board in order to be in compliance.
The Kingdom Life Christian Center went to Councilman Henon for help in getting zoning approval, and Councilman Henon's office contacted the Mayfair Civic Association (the coordinating Registered Community Organization or RCO) to set up a meeting.
On February 28th, The Kingdom Life Christian Center held a "Building Dedication" at the Devon.
The Kingdom Life Christian Center has opened and is currently operating a Food Bank at the Devon location
Without the proper zoning in place, The Kingdom Life Christian Center is currently operating illegally at the Devon
A meeting was held at the Devon and it included representatives from the Mayfair CDC (new administration), Mayfair Civic Association, representatives from the Kingdom Life Christian Center, and representatives from Councilman Henon's office. Since Mayfair currently has several Daycare facilities located along Frankford avenue which Mayfair orgs. are working hard to revitalize, and a Food Bank already in operation at St. Johns church on Tyson avenue, Mayfair representatives asked the Kingdom Life Christian Center to withdraw from using the Devon as a Daycare Facility, or as a Food Bank Center. During the meeting, Mayfair representatives also asked Kingdom Life Christian Center to allow the Devon to become a polling location, to keep the Devon marquee in place, and to allow community usage of the Devon (school plays etc) up to 12 times a year.
During follow up conversations and meetings, the Kingdom Life Christian Center agreed to allow the Devon to become a polling location up to 2 times a year, and to keep the marquee intact, however the church felt that the 12 times community usage was excessive, and the church refused Mayfair's requests to refrain from opening another Daycare center on Frankford avenue, or another Food Bank in Mayfair
On Sunday May 31st, there was a "Grand Re-Opening" titled "The Broadway On The Delaware". The organizer of this event had an arrangement with the Kingdom Life Christian Center for this event, and there are no guarantees that these performances will continue in the future.
The Mayfair Civic Association is hosting a Special Zoning Meeting on Monday June 15th at 7:30pm at the Mayfair Community Center. During this meeting, Mayfair Civic Association Members and neighbors residing in the immediate RCO's will have the opportunity to voice their opinions, and to vote on this issue.
The Kingdom Life Christian Center is scheduled to appear before the Philadelphia Zoning Board on June 23rd 2015 to obtain the Special Exception required to legally operate. Part of the requirement needed to obtain proper zoning approval will be for the Kingdom Life Christian Center to be able to provide 1 parking spot for every 10 seats at the Devon. The Devon has approximately 440 seats. This would require the Kingdom Life Christian Center to provide no less than 44 off street parking spots. All residents are invited to this hearing as well.
Monday, June 1, 2015
Friday, May 29, 2015
Thursday, May 21, 2015
DRCC Summer Events
June- Movie Night - HOOK (G) Wed 6/17 at sundown, Pennypack on
the Delaware
the Delaware
July- Movie Night- The Never Ending Story (PG) Wed 7/15 at sundown,
Pennypack on the Delaware
Pennypack on the Delaware
August- United by Blue Clothing Store Tuesday 8/4 5pm to 7pm
Lardners Point Park Shoreline and River cleanup. Work for one
hour and games and prizes for one hour. Snacks provided
Lardners Point Park Shoreline and River cleanup. Work for one
hour and games and prizes for one hour. Snacks provided
Movie night- The Lego Movie (G) Wednesday 8/19 at sundown
Pennypack on the Delaware
Pennypack on the Delaware
September- United by Blue Clothing Store Tuesday 9/1 5pm to 7pm
Lardners Point Park Shoreline and River cleanup. Work for one
hour and games and prizes for one hour. Snacks provided
Lardners Point Park Shoreline and River cleanup. Work for one
hour and games and prizes for one hour. Snacks provided
Kayak on the Delaware- Date TBD
October- 2nd Annual Greenway 5K Run/Walk SUnday October 4 9 am to
11 am- Port Richmond Trail
11 am- Port Richmond Trail
DRCC- Movie Night
Movie Night
Wednesday June 17th at Sundown- Pennypack on the Delaware Sponsored by DRCC - Fun Flicks Company Rated G
Wednesday June 17th at Sundown- Pennypack on the Delaware Sponsored by DRCC - Fun Flicks Company Rated G

Block Captains wanted
Interested in being a block captain call PMBC (Phila More Beautiful Committee) 215-685-3981 for details Prizes and Awards for Clean Block contests and more
Friday, May 15, 2015
Monday, April 27, 2015
Tacony Civic Free Concert Series
Dates: 6/25 7/9 7/23 8/6 8/20 7:00 pm
- there will be food and other vendors-
Acts to be determined
Tacony Civic Flea Markets
Park - 6900 Keystone Street between Longshore & Disston Streets 800 am - 2:00 pm (set-up begins
at 6:30 am)
Saturday, 6/20/15 $10.00 per spaceNo rain dates
215-338-2575 or
9/19/15 $10.00 per space
10/24/15 $5.00 per space
vendor with pretzels, hot dogs and beverages and restroom facilities will be
available onsite.
for vendors is not necessary. Cash will be collected upon arrival. For more information please contact
Thursday, April 2, 2015
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
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