Tuesday, October 22, 2013

North East Quality of Life Coalition Meeting

From Barbara Rup,

Hello All,

Just a reminder. Meeting tomorrow night,(Wednesday 10/23) 7:15 PM at the Sons of Italy Lodge, 4741 Friendship St.

This month we will have Steven, speaking about Health Insurance, and changes that may be coming in January to Medicade If you are at or near retirement age, or have a family member that is about that age, this is a meeting not to miss.

 Hope to see you there

Monday, October 21, 2013

Free Yard Trees

Fall is a great time to plant a tree!

Register now for a giveaway event to get FREE Yard Trees from TreePhilly. Just 2 weeks remain before registration closes on 10/31. Pre-registered participants will be able to select from between 8 and 10 trees at each giveaway location, including fruit trees! Walk-in participants will not be able to get fruit trees.
Sat. November 9th
Pennypack Environmental Center (8600 Verree Rd. 19115)
10am-12pm12-2pm2-4pm time slots
Sun. November 10th
Columbus Square Playground (1200 Wharton St. 19147)
Sat. November 16th
Overington Park (4600 Leiper St. 19124)
Sun. November 17th
West Oak Lane Library (2000 Washington Lane 19138)

Please tell your friends and family in Philadelphia about this great opportunity.