Thursday, July 12, 2018

Membership Application

Tacony Civic Association 2019 Application






Newsletter Preference: ___ email   ___ US mail

Amount_________ $10 per Household,  $5 Seniors


I am interested in helping with  the following committees:
__ Zoning    __ Quality Of Life   __ Membership    __ PR
__ Events     __ Clean & Green   __ Fund-raising    __Other

Please mail application and dues to:
Tacony Civic Association
P.O. Box 8979
Phila Pa 19135
Thank you!

A Big Thank you to all of Our Sponsors
Thank you to our sponsors who make these concerts possible. Please support them, the way they support us.

Premier ($1000+)
Dietz & Watson
Historical Society of Tacony

Platinum ($1000)
City Plumbing
HP Hood Dairy
Tacony Community Development Corporation

Gold ($500)
Currans Irish Inn
Philadelphia Federal Credit Union

Silver ($250)
Goldenbergs Peanut Chews
Herr's Chips
James J Anderson Construction

Bronze ($125)
Bella Lisa Hair Studio
Definis Widows & Doors
Grey Lodge Pub
Insinger Machine Company
Joseph Sannutti Funeral Home
Marie Huff Hairdresser

Nicoletti Beverage $50.00

If you would like to be a sponsor, please email Kim at