Thursday, March 7, 2019

2020 Membership Application

Tacony Civic Association 2020 Application






Newsletter Preference: ___ email   ___ US mail

Amount_________ $10 per Household,  $5 Seniors


I am interested in helping with  the following committees:
__ Zoning    __ Quality Of Life   __ Membership    __ PR
__ Events     __ Clean & Green   __ Fund-raising    __Other

Please mail application and dues to:
Tacony Civic Association
P.O. Box 8979
Phila Pa 19135
Thank you!



We will be selling Tacony Strong Tshirts at the meetings and events or you can contact us through email.  Tshirts are $ 10.00



Nominations will be held at the March General Meeting.  Positions up for election are 1st Vice President and Treasurer.
Elections will be held during the May general meeting.  In order to participate in nominating, being nominated or voting you must be a paid member in good standing.   (1) vote per household.

New President

Our President Pete Smith has stepped down.  Mike Thaete our First Vice President has stepped up as President for the remainder of the term.

“Greetings everyone, I have the honor to be your president.  Remember we do good!  Let’s do better.  Our March Meeting is an important one, we will be electing two officers for a new two year term.  We have a new police Captain and many new officers in the 15th district.  Come out and meet them, they are working for us.  Hope to see you at the meeting.”

Mike Thaete