Friday, October 7, 2011

Mon 17 Oct 2011 - Historic Tacony Revitalization Project KICK OFF MEETING

You are invited!

Historic Tacony Revitalization Project

Monday October 17, 2011


Tacony Branch of the Free Library Basement Meeting Room

Philadelphia at 6742 Torresdale Avenue (at Knorr Street) in Philadelphia PA 19135

The purpose of this meeting is to discuss why the Tacony Community Development Corporation (TCDC) is launching the Historic Tacony Revitalization Project now and what they hope to achieve in the next few years. Peter Naccarato, the Board President of the Tacony CDC will also discuss the role of the Retail Market Analysis study being conducted now, and the process the organization will undertake to hire a full time employee this fall to manage the commercial district revitalization work.

After Mr. Naccarato speaks, Donna Ann Harris, principal of Heritage Consulting Inc., a consultant to the Tacony Community Development Corporation will give a twenty minute presentation on “An Introduction to Commercial District Revitalization.” After the presentation, Ms. Harris will facilitate a series of small group discussions where neighbors can identify their major issues and concerns about the Torresdale Avenue commercial district that they wish to see changed. The small groups will present their ideas and Ms. Harris will describe how these concerns fit within the Main Street Four Point Approach™. Small group participants will be encouraged to identify projects to solve some of these problems that might interest them from these lists. The next meeting date will be determined to create committees to move the revitalization effort forward.

All area residents, merchants and property owners are encouraged to attend this kick off meeting for the Historic Tacony Revitalization Project. To learn more about this effort see the back side of this flyer.

Let us know if you plan to attend!

Please RSVP to Donna Ann Harris at 267 251 5444 or send an email to by Friday October 14, 2011 so we know how many people to expect!
Historic Tacony Revitalization Project Fact Sheet

What is the Main Street Approach™ to commercial district revitalization?
In recent decades, multiple approaches to commercial district revitalization, from urban renewal to highly-publicized, big-fix redevelopment projects, have failed because they focused on just one or two discreet issues, rather than addressing the full range of inter-related issues that affect each individual commercial district. The Main Street Approach™ is a volunteer driven, historic preservation based economic development program. The Main Street Approach™ works at the local level with community volunteers to help revitalize a commercial corridor. The Historic Tacony Revitalization Project will use the Main Street Four Point Approach™ to organize our efforts.

What is the purpose of the Historic Tacony Revitalization Project?
All local Main Street programs aim to maximize the economic potential of each historic commercial district while preserving its distinct sense of place.

Who is leading this effort for Tacony?
The Tacony Community Development Corporation is spearheading the Historic Tacony Revitalization Project.

What are the benefits of revitalization?
Revitalization generates new reinvestment. Private investment in businesses and commercial properties, and public investment in infrastructure create economic benefits for the entire district. Revitalization supports business growth and job creation. Viable commercial districts provide places for entrepreneurs to succeed, increasing the viability and vitality of the commercial area. Revitalization supports economic growth throughout the community. Downtowns and local districts project the community’s image to visitors and potential investors. Healthy commercial districts reflect a community that cares. Revitalization provides local focus and stability. Economically strong commercial districts serve as an anchor for the community and represent consistent economic growth.

Why should we revitalize the Torresdale Avenue commercial corridor?
Commercial corridors and neighborhood business districts represent jobs and revenues—both vary from community to community, and sometimes represent as much as 30% of local jobs and revenue sources. These commercial districts define the local identity and reflect that community’s history and ‘sense of place.’ Torresdale Avenue, like many other commercial corridors in Philadelphia that are using the Main Street Approach, can become the hub and heart of Tacony once again.

How can local residents become involved?
Your help is needed by becoming involved as a volunteer with Historic Tacony Revitalization project’s Four Teams: Organization; Promotion; Design; and Economic Restructuring. These teams will develop projects to help the corridor. Please give us your contact information to be invited our meetings and so we can keep in touch.

Whom do we contact to learn more?
Donna Ann Harris is helping the Tacony Community Development Corporation organize the Historic Tacony Revitalization Project. Reach her at 267 251 5444 or email at

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